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2024 Friday Team Skills Sessions August – October.




2024 Friday Team Skills Sessions August – October

Coach Robinson will be offering Friday team skill sessions during the fall season of 2024.

The sessions will run from Friday, August 23 to Friday, October 18 for a total of nine (9) sessions.

There are two groups per evening:

  1. Group 1: 4:30-5:30
  2. Group 2: 5:30-6:30

All grades can attend either session.  

Those wanting to can attend both sessions in one evening.

The purpose of the sessions are to both:

  1. Allow Winston-Salem Stealers fall season participants the opportunity to work on their skill sets and
  2. Give those who couldn’t make their regular weekday practice the opportunity to get some court tim

The sessions are optional to attend, and the cost is $10.00 / session or a discounted rate of $85.00 to attend all nine, one-hour sessions.   

If attending both sessions in one evening, the cost is $15.00 or both sessions for all nine evenings the cost is $120.00.

If attending per session, please indicate the session attending by the date below.


October 18:


  • Maddie Bucherati
  • Caroline Moore
  • Chari Robinson

2024 Friday Team Skills Sessions August - October