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2924 Fall Season Registrations:

2024 Fall Season Registration:

Team-by-Team Registrations posted below:

2nd-3rd Grades:

  1. Lennon Marston
  2. Peyton Powell

4th Grade;

  1. Charli Robinson
  2. Nora Rose
  3. Alexa Skordahl
  4. Ashton Skordahl

5th Grade;

  1. Lily Bair
  2. Ryleigh Cooper
  3. Raegan Olive
  4. Rachel So
  5. Ellis Williams

6th Grade:

  • Penelope Larking
  • Caitlynn Molesa

7th Grade:

  1. Cali Brister
  2. Makayla Brooks
  3. Khloe Cox
  4. Caroline Moore’
  5. Kenzi Olive
  6. Macie Poirier
  7. Carly Shamblen
  8. Sara Vogl

8th Grade:

  1. Caroline Molesa

Rising 8th-12th Grade Rosters are posted on the spring season page.  New registrations for these groups will be posted below:


2024 Fall Season Registration, 2nd-8th Grades.

9th-12th Graders interested in playing need to email Coach R.

Price: $185.00
After first 10, cost is $185.00 until June 30th. After July 1, the cost is $200.00.