PEAK Basketball and the CRC (Coach Robinson’s Classroom) are teaming up this summer to bring back our college prep program. The program was last held in the summer of 2009 and helped ten participants reach the college basketball level.
The 2021 program consists of:
- On court skill workouts.
- Film / Video Breakdowns.
- Nutritional Advice.
- Athletic Training / Therapy (Stretching Techniques) / Conditioning.
- College Coach Advice.
- Former College Player Speakers.
- College Coach Live-Stream of Program Scrimmages (for the college prep participants only).
- 3 on 3 On-Court Play Training (for potential USA Basketball Registration in 2022)
- Social Media Awareness (Do’s and Don’ts)
- College Application / SAT / ACT Advice.
- Mental Training.
- And much, much more…
The goal is to provide as much information to the participant to prepare them for the next level.
Rising 8th-12th grades can register. Sixteen participants per group.
A profile book will be designed with our participants information and distributed to college coaches.
The dates are:
- Monday, June 21st from 1:00-2:30 (Group 1) or 2:30-4:00 (Group 2) – Guest will be former UNCA Head Coach Brenda Mock Kirkpatrick.
- Wednesday, June 23rd from 1:00-2:30 (Group 1) or 2:30-4:00 (Group 2) – Guest will be Bianca Briones, Sports Psychologist
- *****FRIDAY, JUNE 25TH****** ONLINE WEBINAR – Information will be sent to players by email.
- Monday, June 28th from 1:00-2:30 (Group 1) or 2:30-4:00 (Group 2)
- Wednesday, June 30th from 1:00-2:30 (Group 1) or 2:30-4:00 (Group 2)
Group 1 Registrations:
- Charley Chappell
- Tate Chappell
- Katie Deal
- Adelaide Jernigan
- Keaton Olson Fine
- Brielynn Myers
- Emma Pendleton
Group 2 Registrations:
- Parker Childress
- Grace Harriman
- Hannah Parker
- Isabella Ross
- Ansleigh Sherrill
——————————-July——————————– (working in between travel team exposure events)———————
- Wednesday, July 14th from 1:30-3:00 (Madeleine Meinhold)
- Thursday, July 15th from 1:30-3:00 Guest former Duke and Texas Point Guard Kyra Lambert.
- Friday, July 16th from 1:30-3:00 (Laura Barry)
- Saturday, July 17th from 9:00-10:30 (one group – will try to hold a play day just for our participants in front of college coaches)
July Registrations:
- Charley Chappell
- Tate Chappell
- Katie Deal
- Emma Pendleton
- Abigail Rice
- Parker Childress
- Grace Harriman
- Hannah Parker
- Isabella Ross
- Ansleigh Sherrill
Program “may” continue into August and beyond if the demand is there.