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Monday, January 16th, MLK, JR. Day Group Skills; 1st-8th Grades.

Group Skills – Monday, January 16, 2023

Group skills will be held for 1st-8th grade girls on Monday, January 16th at The Maddawg Center.

Cost is $10.00 for non-Stealers For Life and no cost for Stealers For Life or Campers For Life members.

Time is 11:30-12:45.

Please use the registration form below to signup. Stealers For Life and Campers For LIfe have to sign up (just not pay).

Open to Program and non-program members.

  1. Tahali Cardona
  2. Gabriella Cirone
  3. Colbie Cloud
  4. Khloe Cox
  5. Harper Greene
  6. Skylar Hall
  7. Collins Helton
  8. Layla Jordan
  9. Lennon Marston
  10. Caroline Moore
  11. Chloe Newman
  12. Cora Newman
  13. Alexis Olive
  14. Kenzi Olive
  15. Raegan Olive
  16. Penley Pless
  17. Kate Poirier
  18. Macie Poirier
  19. Charli Robinson
  20. Reagan Schmidt
  21. Carly Shamblen
  22. Annabelle Shipton
  23. Kuta Shipton
  24. Ruth Shipton

Monday, MLK, Jr. Day 1/16/23 Group Skills

Price: $10.00