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Coach R’s College Coach Relationships.

Relationships Matter.

From Left to Right:

  • Florida State Head Coach Brooke Wyckoff
  • Then Michigan Assistant Coach Erin Batth, now Head Coach at Providence College
  • Michigan Head Coach Kim Barnes-Arico
  • N.C. State Head Coach Wes Moore
  • Florida Head Coach Kelly Finley

Coach R has built strong relationships with college coaches since his start as a high school coach in 1994 and Stealers program director in 1996.  By trying to be as honest and direct with college coaches when they ask questions about players in his program, a trusting relationship has been established; built over years and years of potential recruits at all different levels.

Coach R’s method is unique in that he’ll place his teams in tournaments and events to let the colleges evaluate the talents of each player. Instead of trying to over promote a player, he lets the colleges do their job and then follows up to get an idea of where each player stands in the eyes of the colleges then adding his thoughts to help coaches get an idea on a player’s attitude, work ethic, strengths and weaknesses. 

Some players take a little longer than others to be recruited, but the longer they stay with it and the more patient they are, they’ll see their dreams of playing in college more than likely come true.

Coach R won’t promise a player a scholarship because, as he says: “I don’t work for a college coaching staff and am not in their daily meetings to know how their roster makeup is shaping up”.   

Many Stealers build a CRC player profile to help supplement their play on the court. Learn more here:

Videos help, college visits help… but the more CORRECT skill work they receive and then the application of that skill work in games is what begins to set things in motion for players.   

Coach R always says that patience is the key when it comes to college recruiting. It is not one size fits all and comparing your situation to someone else’s only leads to heartache and in reality is a distraction from you improving.  

Social media helps, someone calling a coach helps, posting videos helps… relationships matter though and when you have the credibility to pick up the phone and be able to reach any college staff and get their undivided attention that becomes the separator.