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Teach The Game Individual Skills.

Teach The Game Individual and Group Skills

Teach The Game individual and group skills are hosted daily throughout the year at The Maddawg Basketball Training and Event Center in Kernersville.

Individual skills are set up to help players work on footwork, shooting, ball-handling and other offensive skills.  The goal is to have those skills transfer to games.  

Individual skills are run by Coach Robinson, current Stealers, Stealers Alums, and Maddawg Center staff members.

Individual skills are typically an hour in length.

For skills with Coach Robinson, please email him directly.   To register for skills with current players or alums, email Coach Robinson or request a time (if allowed) through each alums registration page.

Group skills are typically ten or less players. The group skills allow for players to work with each other on both offense and defense in a competitive environment.   

Group skills are run by Coach Robinson, current Stealers, Stealers Alums and Maddawg Center staff members.

Group skills run an hour to two hours in length.