2024 June / July Practice Schedule
Myrtle Beach Team:
- June 23: 3:30-4:455
Rising Stars Team (July 9-11, Louisville):
- June 23: 3:30-4:45
- July 7: 5:30-6:45
Grant Team (Playing in Louisville and Lake Point):
- June 30: 1:00-2:30
- July 2: 5:15-6:30
- July 8: 5:15-6:30
11th Grade National Team (Playing in Louisville and Lake Point)
- July 2: 7:45-9:00
- July 3: 6:30-7:45
10th Grade National Team (Playing in Louisville ad Lake Point)
- July 2: 7:45-9:00
- July 3: 6:30-7:45
Role National Team (Playing in Louisville and Lake Point):
- June 30: 2:30-4:00
- July 2: 5:15-6:30
- July 3: 7:45-9:00
- July 9: 5:15-6:30
- July 15: 4:45-6:00
11th Grade Regional Team (Playing in Louisville and Lake Point):
- July 2: 6:30-7:45
- July 3: 5:15-6:30
Deep South Teams:
- July 2: 6:30-7:45
- July 3: 5:15-6:30
July 27-28 / Charlotte Teams: