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25th Anniversary Gate Passes

Platinum, Diamond Gold, Roby, Silver Gate Passes

The Maddawg Center will eventually transition to a key tag scanning system. This will help with the lines at the gate and for the daily Stealers activities, it will help track practice attendance and security at the facility.

For a limited amount of time, The Winston-Salem Stealers are offering discounted gate passes. The gate passes can carry over to the following year or years until the number of entries on each card are used.

Those who purchase a pass will become part of our “25th Anniversary Supporter Wall” which will be next to the “Wall of Hands” at The Maddawg Center.

  • Silver: $50.00 for 7 Gate Entries
  • Ruby: $100.00 for 15 Gate Entries
  • Gold: $250.00 for 40 Gate Entries
  • Diamond: $500.00 for 75 Gate Entries
  • Platinum: $750.00 for 115 Gate Entries

The passes are good only games at The Maddawg Center and are not refundable if you are no longer part of The Winston-Salem Stealers Program.  The Teach The Game App will also eventually tie into the key tag in case you misplace your tag.

You will receive a laminated, paper pass initially until the key tag system going into place.

May 10, 2021 is the last day to purchase a 25th Anniversary Pass.

25th Anniversary Gate Passes

Good for The Maddawg Center.