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Individual Skills

COVID-19 Notes:

  • Coach Robinson will, out of courtesy and safety to the participants, wear a mask and gloves.
  • Each player will need to bring their own basketball.
  • Players will not be required to wear a mask or gloves but can do so if their parents / guardians want them to.
  • If you are a member of our 2020 Winston-Salem Stealers or Teach The Game Teams AND have filled out the “Potential Restart of the Season” form, that will serve as your waiver of liability.
  • If you are not a member of our 2020 Winston-Salem Stealers or Teach The Game Teams, but you have already have purchased skills, please type “Yes” on the form below to participate in individual skills. Just hit “Submit” after typing “Yes” without paying.
  • If you are not a member of our 2020 Winston-Salem Stealers or Teach The Game Teams, and you have NOT purchased skills, please fill out the form, submit payment and then type “Yes” on the form below to participate in individual skills.
  • Parents will only be allowed to attend individual skills if the occupancy rules allow.  There may be some occasions where a team may be practicing on one end of the floor while individual skills are being held on the other end so be mindful of that please.

Individual skills with Coach R:) are available throughout the year.

Coach R’s philosophy on skills mirrors that of the stonecutters motto / dream:  “When nothing seems to be happening, go look at the stonecutter who hammers away at his rock. He will hit that rock one hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and he knows that it wasn’t that blow that did it, but all of the other hits that came before it.” That’s very similar to basketball when you’re looking for results on the court… if you keep at it consistently, eventually you’ll see the results.

Costs are $20.00 / session / hour.  There are also discounted skills packages available if you email Coach Robinson at the address below. The skills don’t expire meaning if it takes you one month, one year or more than a year to get them all in that’s fine.

If you a member of Stealers For Life, you receive twenty skills (twenty-five in some cases) for the year.

For availability contact Coach R at .

The site for skills will be the Teach The Game Facility #1 located at 900 East Mountain Street in Kernersville.